Sunday, September 12, 2010

Do Unto Others

Most of us have heard the Biblical saying, Do unto others as you would have done unto you.  That may not be an exact quote, but the sentiment is definitely there, save a word or two.  I have tried to practice this and, to tell the truth, it has caused some problems.  Nothing insurmountable, just problematic.  While I was doing unto others, they were taking advantage.  I guess that is the price we pay sometimes.

I have friends that could not be more grateful for my help.  I also know that they would do whatever they are able to help me whenever I need it.  I do not do the things I do to help because I expect to need their help at some point and, as a matter of fact, I hope to never have the need arise where I might need it.  Maybe the fact that I know they would help me if I needed it makes them different and get the adjective "friend" attributed to them.  I have found others that think I am a sucker for helping when there is nothing in it for me.  I guess it is a mater of personal philosophy.

Sure, I have been screwed a few times; more than I care to count and admit actually, but I was not lessened by the experience.  I was, in fact, improved and am a better person for the experience.  I would probably help them again, even if I knew I was going to be screwed.  Why?  Because I can.  I had he ability to help and they needed my help, or so it seemed, so I did.  If they lied, cheated or stole from me, it made them less of a good person, not me.  I am not sure, however, having been screwed over once by someone, they would be given he opportunity to do it again.  It would be a matter of trust at that point.  Then again, some people are a lot better at receiving than giving.  In the immortal words of "Dirty" Harry Callaghan, "A man's got to know his limitations."

So, I will keep on doing unto others because it makes me feel good to help, but I will try not to be stupid about it.  After all, if someone that does not deserve to get my help gets it, then someone who really needs my help might not get it.  I guess that is what is meant by judgment.

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